I have been making oversized pop-up books that combine my photography with pop-up paper engineering for more than twenty years.

”She simply has a way with people, says her friend and artist Sally Blakemore. ‘Colette’s manner of speaking is very subtle and almost shy, but her personality is huge. She doesn’t want to take center stage. Instead, she lets her work speak for itself.”
– Sally Blakemore, American Craft, July 2015

  • 麵 高如山 Noodle Mountain, Slow Motion

    Inspired by the album cover of the children’s song On Top of Spaghetti, Noodle Mountain contemplates the deeply personal memories as well as the complex intergenerational histories of place, labor, and diaspora that food can conjure.

  • We Are Tiger Dragon People

    With the help of a Fulbright fellowship, I began photographing for We Are Tiger Dragon People in 2008. 25 of the 55 ethnic minority groups of China reside in Yunnan Province and comprise less than 9% of the nation’s population, with the Han representing the majority. My mother is Nuosu Yi, from the Greater Liangshan Mountains of Sichuan Province.

  • 桃花源記 Tao Hua Yuan Ji

    Tao Yuanming, a Jin Dynasty (317-420 CE) poet, wrote of a traveler who came upon an isolated peach blossom valley beyond a cave where people seeking political refuge lived an ideal, harmonic life with nature and each other.

 “Although Fu’s books are motionless, their exuberant shapes, intense colors,
and closely interwoven pop-up pages give the impression of being alive.
Her themes are largely inspired by her personal experiences, but her art also embodies—
and inspires—feelings of joy, sorrow, and curiosity experienced by all of humankind...
Each of Fu’s pop-up books tells a story. She is a fearless wanderer
who shares her wonders and helps us understand the world around us."

– Krystyna Wasserman, National Museum of Women in the Arts